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Tribune News Network
Undergraduate students at Qatar University (QU) College of Law aim to simplify law for everyone through user-friendly technologies.
Five law students founded a law technology project called 'SIMPLAW' under the guidance and supervision of their professors Dr Rafael Brown and Dr Charles Schnurman, who both teach in the Lawyering Skills Program of the College of Law.
The SIMPLAW project, which works in cooperation with the College of Law, uses an open source markup language that allows for the creation of an interactive expert system, which guides users through a set of questions and arrive at an answer.
The SIMPLAW project can help people make decisions, both legal and non-legal.
For their first project, SIMPLAW created an expert system for the College of Law Externship programme that helps students decide where they would like to do an externship.
In the project, Dana Ahan and Rana Bashir worked as researchers, Aisha al Kubaisi worked as programmer, Aljazi al Marri worked as logician and translator and Maryam al Otoum acted as project supervisor.