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dpa Munich Eight German riot police buses have been set on fire in Munich just four days ahead of the G7 summit that is set to take place at Bavaria’s Schloss Elmau resort. The vehicles had been parked outside a hotel where officers were staying before being deployed to the summit venue.“We think that this is an arson offence related to the G7 meeting, as the forces were on site here in Munich especially for this operation,” said police spokesman Andreas Franken.No one was injured in the incident, which occurred around 3 am. Neighbours initially reported loud banging noises and then a fire.The news comes two days after Interior Minister Nancy Faeser declared no major unrest was expected at the summit.Franz Haslbeck of the protest alliance “Stop G7 Elmau” distanced himself from the incident, saying that the movement stood for peaceful protest. A police search for possible perpetrators, including with a helicopter, was initially unsuccessful, a police spokesperson said.Earlier this week, unknown perpetrators tampered with electrical distribution boxes located within the security perimeter around the venue.