The Ministry of Public Health and its’ partners are celebrating World Hand Hygiene Day, which falls on Wednesday. On this occasion and in collaboration with Hamad Medical Corporation and Primary Health Care Corporation, MoPH has launched an extensive campaign in all healthcare facilities in Qatar highlighting the importance of optimal hand hygiene procedure in the delivering health care, under the theme "Seconds save lives - clean your hands. “The campaign aims at promoting and highlighting the importance of hand hygiene in health facilities. The Ministry of Public Health urges all stakeholders and people working in healthcare facilities to participate in this expanded campaign to promote good hand hygiene practices and its’ significance in improving the safety of patients, healthcare workers and the community as a whole.Huda Al-Katheeri, Director of Strategic Planning and Performance at the Ministry of Public Health, said: "The campaign highlights the importance of promoting hand hygiene, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, noting that although COVID-19 vaccines are currently available, hand hygiene and appropriate use of personal protection equipment and other preventive measures are critical to the safe care of COVID-19 patients and all other patients."To prevent infection and ensure access to high-quality health services, healthcare workers, patients, visitors and community members should follow proper hands hygiene practices. She has called on health care providers to work together to raise awareness on hand hygiene now more than ever before, and to promote the "Seconds Save Lives - Clean Your Hands" initiative.Dr. Jameela Al Ajami, Executive Director of Corporate Infection Prevention at Hamad Medical Corporation, said: "Our fight against COVID-19 has demonstrated the importance of hand hygiene as one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of viruses, noting that even though the vaccination levels continue to rise, we should not stop following infection prevention measures such as hand hygiene - including hand washing with soap, using hand sanitizers and reducing touching surfaces where possible. To overcome COVID-19 and ensure better health outcomes after the pandemic, hand hygiene must remain a priority now and in the future. Dr. Khalid Al Awad, Director of Health Protection at the Preventive Health Department at the Primary Health Care Corporation, said "We now live more than ever in a world where hand hygiene is critical”. He added: "The Primary Health Care Corporation has always ensured that effective hand hygiene procedures are applied in the context of care, in order to prevent the transmission of infectious microorganisms during the provision of health care. At the general level, we must continue to apply precautionary and preventive measures to fight against Covid-19 pandemic. We must be aware that hand washing is one of the most effective measures that can be taken to reduce the spread of viruses, bacteria, other microorganisms and diseases.The year 2021 was declared an international year for health care workers by the World Health Organization (WHO) to support them and to emphasize the importance of their role in ensuring patient safety, and in recognition of the sacrifices made by front-line healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.The hand hygiene practices have gained global recognition from policymakers, health managers, health care workers and the general public as the cornerstone in reducing COVID-19 transmission, and keeping hands clean has become the first line of defense for healthcare teams of all specialties and roles, in addition to applying the other precautionary measures.
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World Hand Hygiene Day: Ministry of Public Health launches Seconds Save Lives campaign
May 05, 2021