Greek police have detained several migrants for trying to cross into Europe on fake passports.
A woman from Cameroon and two men from Syria were arrested after presenting the false documents at an airport on the island of Corfu, police said on Saturday.
Migrants carrying false passports have previously been caught in airports in the cities of Heraklion and Chania on Crete, and other islands in the Aegean Sea.
False passports are provided by human traffickers in many cases, and cost between 1,500 and 3,000 euros (1,640-3,280 dollars), police said.
Greece in cooperation with EU border agency Frontex has returned a 71 migrants to Turkey since Wednesday as part of a deal between Turkey and the European Union reached last year.
A total of 22 migrations were returned from the island of Lesbos to the Turkish port of Dikili on Friday, while on Wednesday and Thursday 49 migrants were sent back from the islands of Kos and Chios, local police said Saturday.
Under the EU-Ankara deal, any migrant arriving in the EU from Turkey will no longer be allowed to apply for asylum and will be sent back.
The EU pledged millions of euros in return to support Turkey, which is host to one of the world's largest refugee populations.
Since the deal went into effect, 1165 people have been returned to Turkey under the EU-Ankara deal, according to Greek police.