Tribune News NetworkDohaOver a span one year, Qatar saw its population shrinking by 180,000 people, according to the Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA).In the June edition of PSA’s monthly report featuring statistics in May, the authority said the population reduced from 2.81 million in May 2020 to 2.63 million by end of May 2021. The report said the country recorded 1,940 live births in May, which also saw Qatari live births increasing by 6 percent when compared to the previous month. On the other hand, 273 deaths were recorded in May, down 30.9 percent against April 2021.While 311 couple got married in May, 97 divorces were finalised in the month, showing respective month-on-month declines of 9.1 percent and 34.9 percent.The month also saw social security worth QR81 million benefitting 14,710 people, a decline of 0.2 percent year-on-year and 0.4 percent month-on-monthTotal electricity consumption in May stood at was 4547.5 GWh, showing a m-o-m increase of 29.3 percent and a y-o-y increase of 14.3 percent. Meanwhile, Qatar's total water consumption reached 57,471.9 cubic metre in the same month, up 6.6 percent m-o-m and 1 percent y-o-y. Qatar's property sector saw robust activities in May as the value of sold properties in the month increased 34.3 percent month-on-month and jumped 254 percent year-on-year. The PSA said municipalities in Qatar issued 348 permits in May 2021, recording a month-on-month fall of 30.4 percent and a year-on-year jump of 28.4 percent.One of the most prominent changes in this issue was the increase in total cash issued at a monthly rate of 1.5 percent compared to April 2021. This was offset by an increase in total deposits and credit facilities of commercial banks by 2 percent and 1.8 percent respectively (compared to April 2021). The total deposits and credit facilities of commercial banks increased at an annual rate of 11.3 percent and 13.6 percent respectively (compared to May 2020). In the banking sector, Total Broad Money Supply (M2) recorded about QR612.1 billion in May 2021, an increase of 4.9 percent compared with May 2020. On the other hand, cash equivalents, including Commercial Bank Deposits, accounted for QR962.2 billion in May 2021. The figure represents an increase of 11.3 percent from May 2020, when deposits amounted to QR864.4 billion.One of the most prominent changes in this issue is the increase in total cash issued at a monthly rate of 1.5% compared to April 2021, offset by an increase in total deposits and credit facilities of commercial banks by 2.0% and 1.8%, respectively (compared to April 2021). The total deposits and credit facilities of commercial banks increased at an annual rate of 11.3% and 13.6%, respectively (compared to May 2020). Furthermore, among the most notable changes is the rise in the Consumer Price Index, as the overall household consumption sub-index increased by 0.83 percent compared to April 2021. The largest increase was in entertainment and culture category with 10.97 percent, reaching 82.6 percent in May 2021.
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Qatars population shrinks by 180,000 people: PSA
Jul 04, 2021