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Qatar tribune



Vice-President of the 111th International Labour Conference Corina Ajder has praised the positive results of the legislative and regulatory reforms for the labour market and the protection of workers’ rights in the State of Qatar.

Noting the election of Qatar as President of the International Labour Conference, in remarks to Qatar News Agency (QNA) on the sidelines of the 111th session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Corina said that she had seen many positive reports indicating that the State of Qatar has achieved positive results with regard to labour issues and the regulation of the labour market.

She added that continuing the path of labour market reforms and ensuring a suitable environment for all workers is very important and necessary, as is the case everywhere, as work does not end in this complex field.

She said that the State of Qatar is today chairing the International Labour Conference, represented by HE Minister of Labour Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, wishing him success in this mission and the continuation of the important work he is doing, which also constitutes an opportunity for the State of Qatar to continue efforts and implement its vision in the labour market.

Representatives of governments, employers and workers who are members of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) elected the State of Qatar as president of the current session of the International Labour Conference for the first time since the establishment of the ILO in 1919, in an indication of the international recognition of the achievements made by the State of Qatar in the labour sector and the development of various measures and initiatives to reach a safe and healthy work environment.

Ajder expressed her happiness at being part of the team of Minister of Labour and President of the International Labour Conference HE Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, after being elected as his deputy, saying that it is an opportunity for the State of Qatar, as well as for the Republic of Moldova, the country she represents, to continue efforts in the field of improving the labour market and protecting the rights of workers.

She referred to the expected outputs of the International Labour Conference held in Geneva, indicating that there is a lot of work to be done at the global level, especially reducing inequality and promoting social justice, to ensure that poor and rich countries do their duties in this field, create a safe work environment, pay wages on time, and respect and appreciate the worker whoever he is.

She called on all countries to join forces to provide a safe work environment for all workers, noting that workplace is where we spend long hours of our lives, therefore we have the right to obtain the appropriate environment to achieve our ambitions and to feel respect in it.

This is the work that we must unite efforts to ensure its completion, so for me and the Republic of Moldova, this is a reminder of the amount of work that must be done to reach that stage, and this is what we stress in this conference, she added.

Often called an international parliament of labour, the International Labour Conference is held annually in Geneva to establish and adopt international labour standards, and is a forum for discussion of key social and labour questions. It also adopts the Organisation’s budget and elects the governing body.

The current session of the conference is attended by more than 5,000 participants, including heads of state and government, relevant ministers of member states, representatives of employers and workers, and international, governmental and labour organisations.

The International Labour Conference is the highest decision-making authority in the ILO and provides an effective platform through which governments and employers’ and workers’ organisations of member states can hold tripartite discussions on social and Labour issues.

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