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Qatar tribune

Tribune News Network


Representatives of governments, employers and workers have praised the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its director-general for Qatar’s successful leadership of the 111th session of the International Labour Conference (ILC). They have commended the conference for effectively achieving its objectives, including the improvement of the global work environment and the formulation of recommendations for social justice and decent job opportunities.

Speaking at the conference’s closing session, overseen by HE Dr Ali bin Samikh Al-Marri, Minister of Labour, they highlighted the challenges presented by recent global crises. They added that the conference’s adoption of the equal apprenticeship recommendation is pivotal for fostering a just economic transition.

In attendance at the closing session were delegation heads, labour ministers, as well as representatives of workers and employers from ILO member states. Following a unanimous vote by the representatives, Qatar was entrusted with the presidency of the 111th session of the ILC. This is the first time since the organisation’s inception in 1919 that Qatar has been awarded this role, signifying international acknowledgment of its accomplishments in labour sector development and its initiatives to establish a secure and healthy work environment.

The last session of the conference witnessed final speeches by Gilbert Houngbo, director-general of the ILO; Henrique Munthe, vice-chairman of the conference as a representative of the Employers’ Team; Zahoor Awan, vice-chairman of the conference as a representative of the Workers’ Team; and Corina Ajdir, vice-chairman of the conference as a representative of the governments.The speakers appreciated HE Dr Al-Marri for his good management of the conference and reaching the desired goals.

During the closing session of the 111th ILC, its Chairman HE Dr Al-Marri, said that Qatar’s appointment as the presiding nation reaffirmed its steadfast commitment and eagerness to foster cooperative and multilateral actions towards sustainable development goals. He expressed gratitude to the organisation’s member states for their confidence in Qatar’s ability to preside over the conference.

He emphasised the unique role of the ILC as a platform facilitating dialogue and collective action among governments and social partners, aimed at addressing current work-related issues. Despite some hurdles, he noted the 111th ILC managed to successfully achieve its ambitious objectives, owing to the unified efforts of all participants.

He explained that the discussions conducted by the ILC on apprenticeships exemplified the strength of social dialogue and yielded remarkable outcomes through lively negotiations, cooperation, and the exchange of experiences. He emphasized the growing significance of promoting quality apprenticeships as a means to address the challenges in the evolving world of work. Such discussions would serve as a valuable reference for member states in formulating effective policies, laws, and regulations to enhance the quality of apprenticeships.

HE Al-Marri stated that advancing the just transition of the economy has become necessary to achieve social justice, decent living conditions and eradicate poverty. He noted that the ILO guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies are considered a central reference for policy-makers.

He pointed out that the discussions highlighted the essential role of Labour protection in achieving gender equality, social justice and reducing inequalities, while also contributing to sustainable enterprises, productivity gains and economic development.

He explained that the 111th session of the ILC approved the organisation’s programme and budget for the period 2024-2025, praising the spirit of cooperation and flexibility through which a consensual solution was reached that confirms the ILO’s approach based on constructive dialogue.

He praised the World of Work Summit entitled ‘Social Justice for All’, which witnessed the participation of 16 heads of state and government, as well as 22 participants from representatives of international organisations, ministers, and social partners from various regions. He noted that the summit discussed various issues related to social justice, including the proposal from the director to form a global coalition for social justice. The ILC, or what is known as the International Parliament of Labour, is held annually in Geneva to set the general policies of the ILO, including agreements and recommendations.

The ILC is the highest decision-making authority in the ILO and serves as an effective platform for tripartite discussions on social and labour issues among governments, employers’ organisations, and workers’ organisations of member states.

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