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Qatar tribune

The Ambassador of Mexico to Qatar HE Guillermo Ordorica recently inaugurated an exhibition of visual and sculptural arts on the embassy premises celebrating the power of words and languages as a cultural link between two rich and diverse languages: Arabic and Spanish.

The Mexican envoy said the exhibition represents a unique artistic dialogue between two linguistic and cultural traditions, creating a bridge of understanding and connection between two seemingly distant worlds.

He said that words have been vehicles of expression, identity and cultural exchange throughout history. “They are the essential tool for transmitting ideas, emotions and knowledge. Through the written and spoken word, art becomes a powerful medium for exploring and conveying the essence of a culture, its history, traditions and values,” he said.

The Mexican envoy thanked all the artists, curators, collaborators, and guests “who made this unique exhibition possible, for their commitment to promoting cultural exchange and understanding between our nations”.

He said that the ‘Words: Bridge between Arabic and Spanish’ exhibition is “an enriching encounter between two languages and two cultures that unite us more than we could ever imagine”.

This exhibition is presented through a meticulous selection of works by prominent Latin American artists with special inclusion of Qatari artist Haifa Al-Khuzai. The pieces explore the interaction between these two languages, and how each enriches the other in different forms of artistic expression.

The works combine elegant and expressive Arabic calligraphy with elements of Latin American culture and pieces that conceptually explore the translation and interpretation of concepts between the two languages.

The participating artists include Aryam Laderos (Venezuela), Daniel González (Mexico), Fernando Jaramillo (Chile), Haifa Al-Khuzai (Qatar), Rodrigo Solórzano (Mexico), Juan Miguel Ramírez ‘Ícaro’ (Mexico), Johnatan Machado (Venezuela) and Alejandro Reyes (Mexico).

The exhibition will be open to the public, with group guided tours available, until Thursday, August 25. Appointments are required to access the exhibition.

The Embassy of Mexico in Qatar is inviting art and culture aficionados to attend the exhibition and enjoy a unique journey through art and language, exploring the bridge of words between two rich cultural traditions.

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