Tribune NEws network
Qatar's non-oil exports reached QR8.6 billion in the first half of 2017 and the value in June reached QR793.3 million, Qatar Chamber said in its monthly report on foreign trade of the private sector on Monday.
The report, which was prepared based on certificates of origin issued by Qatar Chamber's Research & Studies Department and Member Affairs Department in June, pointed out that Qatar Chamber issued 29,941 certificates of origin in the first half of 2017 for many destinations in 66 international markets.
The report shows that the non-oil exports in June witnessed a decrease compared to the previous months due to the unfair siege imposed on the country and the closure of Abu Samra border; Qatar's only land border crossing.
The report noted that despite the boycott, Qatar's non-oil exports continued to reach its destinations except blockading countries.
In June, over 2,414 certificates of origin were issued.
According to the report, Oman was Qatar's top non-oil exports destination in June, accounting for QR297.26 million or 37.45 percent of the total exports in the month.
Oman is followed by UAE with almost QR98.01 million or 12.35 percent and Singapore with QR56.71 million or 7.15 percent.
Germany comes in the fourth place with almost QR45.31 million or 5.71 percent followed by Hong Kong with QR45.15 or 5.69 percent.
Next in line are India, Turkey, Bangladesh, US, Algeria and Morocco.
The report shows that Qatar's exports reached to 56 destinations including 14 Arab and GCC countries, 11 European countries including Turkey, 13 Asian countries (excluding Arab countries), 14 African countries (excluding Arab countries), 3 countries of North and South Americas and Australia.
It is obvious that the total value of non-oil exports increased to many countries such as Oman and Singapore which jumped to the first and third place, in addition to Germany and Hong Kong which have featured in the first top ten destinations.
Egypt went back to the 25th place after being the second in April.
The report shows that about 57.07 percent of non-oil exports were received by the GCC valued at QR433.8 million compared to QR634.8 million in June 2016.
Asian countries come in the second place. Their imports accounted for QR180.1 million which represents 22.69 percent of the total non-oil exports.
In the third place, European countries including Turkey received QR93.1 million or 11.7 percent of the total value of imports. Arab countries came in the fourth place with total exports of QR45.2 QR5.7 percent.
They are followed by African countries excluding Arab countries, North America, Australia and South America with percentages (2.6 percent),(2.4),(0.2) and (0.01) in a row.
The increase in value between January and February was 22 percent, while in between February and March, it was 7 percent .
The decrease in percentage between March and April reached 27 percent which was followed by an increase in May amounted 12.4 percent and 47 percent in June.
The total value of non-oil exports during the first six months of 2017 reached QR1.4 billion in January, QR1.7 billion in February, QR1.83 billion in March, QR1.32 billion in April, QR1.42 billion in May, and QR793.7 million in June .
The total value in the first half of 2017 hit QR8.55 billion.
Commenting on the report, Qatar Chamber Director General Saleh bin Hamad al Sharqi said Qatar's non-oil exports continued to 66 destinations around the world, praising the public-private partnership which enhanced exporting local products to world markets.
He assured the ability of Qatar's economy to overcome any obstacles and to open further new markets for exports thanks to the potentials Qatar's owns and its robust relations with all world countries.
Sharqi hailed the key role played by the private sector in the economic process with the support of HH the Emir.