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Qatar tribune

Al Khalifi mentioned an ongoing project by the Agricultural Research Department at the Ministry of Municipality, focusing on palm tissue production and distribution to farmers, expected to commence distribution in September.

Furthermore, in relation to date palms, Al Khalifi explained that the ministry initiated a project on June 1, aiming to provide services to farmers, including land preparation, seed, fertiliser, and pesticide distribution at subsidised prices.

General Supervisor of the Date Festival Khaled Saif Al Suwaidi said the festival committee has diligently prepared for this year’s edition, introducing new concepts in terms of organisation and design of the exhibition tent.

The event features the participation of 103 farms producing dates, as well as other farms showcasing and selling figs and almonds.

Al Suwaidi mentioned that this year’s distinctive addition includes two competitions to determine the best date types and the best date palm pollination, aimed at encouraging farmers to produce high-quality dates.

Inside the festival tent, 14 varieties of dates are displayed, including some new and unfamiliar to the public. The festival brings together all Qatari farmers, facilitating knowledge exchange and enabling shoppers to choose dates that suit their preferences.

Al Suwaidi revealed that the festival expects to feature 15 tons of dates daily, reflecting its wide reputation and popularity. Additionally, a committee has been assigned to monitor the quality of the dates on display.

Head of the Agricultural Extension and Services Department at the Ministry of Municipality Ahmed Salim Al Yafei noted the substantial annual increase in the number of participating farms, starting from 18 and reaching over a hundred.

This growth underscores the success and awareness of farmers regarding the importance of increased production and maintaining quality.

Regarding date production in Qatar, Al Yafei pointed out that the country is 85% self-sufficient in dates. He highlighted that the Agricultural Affairs Department at the ministry remains committed to combating the red palm weevil, offering integrated services in this regard, and providing free pest control assistance to farmers.

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