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Qatar tribune



Qatar joined countries around the globe in celebrating the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, which was approved by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) and falls on July 30 of every year.

Qatar is making continuousefforts to combat human trafficking crimes, based on its commitment to the provisions of Islamic Sharia, which prohibits all forms of humiliation of human dignity, and asserts respect for human beings as well as the preservation of their rights.

Represented by the Ministry of Labour, Qatar works on combating the phenomenon of human trafficking in compliance with international law, as it has supported the UN action plan and effective response to combat human trafficking, by establishing the national legal and institutional framework, and supporting all national and international efforts in this field.

Qatar has paid great attention to combating human trafficking crimes through an integrated system, represented by the establishment of the National Committee to Combat Human Trafficking (NCCHT), based on the Cabinet’s Resolution No. 15 of 2017, as this committee plays the role of the national coordinator for monitoring, preventing and combating human trafficking through coordination with all the relevant authorities in this regard.

In this context, the committee continues its efforts in the field of training and building capabilities of national cadres and law enforcement officials in order to enhance their capabilities to identify these crimes and the cases that amount to human trafficking crimes, and join the conventions and protocols dealing with these crimes.

Qatar is also keen to make the necessary efforts to implement these mechanisms and initiatives to contribute to promoting societal awareness of the organizational, legal and procedural aspects, in a way that preserves human dignity and protect their rights.

While Qatar is among the countries that annually receive large numbers of expatriate labour forces - within the framework of efforts to achieve it National Vision 2030, one of the first priorities of the Ministry of Labour is to combat all forms of human trafficking and forced labour. The ministry relies on a specific strategy to combat slavery in all its forms, based on prevention, prosecution, and protection of victims, as well as guarantee of human rights, through several measures, the most important of which is ensuring that labourers arrive in Qatar without debts, which gives them greater freedom, and eliminates some types of forced labour and human trafficking.

In this context, Qatar has issued laws, legislation, regulations, instructions and measures to protect and promote the rights of expatriate workers before recruitment, which are applied through the competent departments in the labor affairs sector of the Ministry of Labour.

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