As Dhoom completes 13 years since its release, actor Abhishek Bachchan looked back at the journey and thanked fans for showering"love and support".
"Thirteen years ago it all changed," Bachchan tweeted."Thank you for your never ending love and support."
Released in 2004, Dhoom was helmed by Sanjay Gadhvi and featured stars like Uday Chopra, John Abraham, Esha Deol and Rimi Sen along with Bachchan.
The action thriller narrated the story of how a police officer (played by Bachchan) teams up with a bike racer essayed by Chopra to catch a motorbike gang committing robberies in Mumbai.
Along with its thrilling storyline, the film also brought in focus the adrenaline-pumping sequence and fancy bikes.
Dhoom: 2 took forward the story with new additions like Hrithik Roshan, Aishwarya Rai and Bipasha Basu in 2006. The third part with Aamir Khan in negative role opened to mixed reviews in 2013. There are reports of a fourth part in the pipeline.
Bachchan and Chopra have remained with the franchise since the first part.