Lisbon: US pop star Madonna has moved to Lisbon so her 11-year-old son David can join the youth academy at top football club Benfica, local media reported on Thursday."Madonna is no longer a tourist, she now lives in Lisbon," the weekly magazine Visao said, republishing several pictures taken from her Instagram account of the 59-year-old singer visiting Portugal over the last couple of months. Madonna has been staying in a Lisbon hotel after buying a house in the bucolic village of Sintra, 30 kilometres northwest of the Portuguese capital. The 19th century building was put up for sale for 7.5 million euros ($9 million) and could take about six months to renovate, according to Visao. David Banda, who Madonna adopted from Malawi in 2006, has joined the Benfica training centre in the Lisbon suburb of Seixal, Correio da Manha reported.
Teenage striker Mbappe joins PSG on season-long loan
Sep 01, 2017
Lisbon: US pop star Madonna has moved to Lisbon so her 11-year-old son David can join the youth academy at top football club Benfica, local media reported on Thursday."Madonna is no longer a tourist, she now lives in Lisbon," the weekly magazine Visao said, republishing several pictures taken from her Instagram account of the 59-year-old singer visiting Portugal over the last couple of months. Madonna has been staying in a Lisbon hotel after buying a house in the bucolic village of Sintra, 30 kilometres northwest of the Portuguese capital. The 19th century building was put up for sale for 7.5 million euros ($9 million) and could take about six months to renovate, according to Visao. David Banda, who Madonna adopted from Malawi in 2006, has joined the Benfica training centre in the Lisbon suburb of Seixal, Correio da Manha reported.