Tribune News NetworkDohaA design competition by Commercial Bank and Qatar University has seen more than a dozen students winning cash prizes for ideas to transform space at the Commercial Bank branch in Qatar University Metro Station.The competition, which was launched on October 20, required the contestants to create a modern banking experience and was primarily meant for students of the university.“Having a sole and exclusive presence inside the Qatar University Metro Station, Commercial Bank, through the contest, aimed to allocate a dedicated space for students — a space they would visit to escape, study, learn about finance, make their own, and to use as they see best,” the bank has said in a statement.The students were requested to come up with ideas to use the allocated space at the Commercial Bank branch.From the 29 entries, 6 finalists were selected by a panel of judges. Commercial Bank and Qatar University held an award ceremony in the university on November 18 to announce the winners.

Batool Alshaikh and Ola Hwari won QR10,000 each and an internship at Commercial Bank. Besides, they will work with a professional design team to see how their idea can be brought to life.  Hadeel Salih, Abida Khan and Rawda Saleem won QR5,000 each.Saad Haroon Alrashid, Said Haroon Alrashid, Abdulrahman Taher, Hagar Gaber, Abdellatif Mashhour, Tasnim Mashhour, Tariq Daoud and Amr Ouda bagged QR1,000 each. All remaining participants received a certificate of participation.

Amit Sah, EGM and Head of Retail Banking at Commercial Bank, said, “As part of our Sadara Youth product offering, and based on our deep understanding of how important it is for students to express themselves, we are proud to say that the collaboration with Qatar University was indeed a great success.”  The competition appealed to a lot of students who succeeded in exceeding the expectations of the jury. Hussein Ali Al Abdulla, EGM, Chief Marketing Officer at Commercial Bank, said, “The contest introduced a whole new approach about banking to students. It made them invest in their capabilities, explore their talents, and go above and beyond with their creativity.” The success of the competition is indeed attributed to the fruitful collaboration between Commercial Bank and Qatar University.Dr Abdulla Al Yafei, Associate Vice President for Student Life and Services at Qatar University, expressed his satisfaction with the collaboration.The contest has, he said, enriched the students’ activities at the university “in a special way”.“The collaboration we have had with Commercial Bank represents a typical form of collaboration we endeavour to sign on at the university. As we wrap our competition successfully, we are looking forward to the execution of the idea and to more collaboration with Commercial Bank.”On the success of the collaboration, Nada Asad Al-Emadi, Acting Director of Student Activities, said, “On behalf of Qatar University, I would like to thank Commercial Bank for providing our students with such a challenging opportunity. I believe that the professional experiences gained from this competition are many and various, and considered as the most important professional skills for a successful employee.”