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DOHA: The activities of Career Counselors Hub 2023 kicked off in Doha on Tuesday in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MoEHE) and the US Embassy in Doha.

The forum-which features the participation of nearly 250 counsellors in guidance and career development- aims to enhance their knowledge and keep them informed of the latest developments in this field through a two-day integrated and overarching program that includes workshops, presentations, and practical experiences with the objective of preparing professional counsellors to constantly meet the requirements that are constantly evolving in career development.

In his inaugural remarks, the Director of Qatar Career Development Center (QCDC), Abdulla Al Mansoori, underscored the significance of the Career Counselors Hub 2023, adding that the forum has morphed into a growing dynamic force that overtly combines practitioners in guidance and career development from a variety of backgrounds and expertise and remained a bridge that connects expertise and innovation, where ingenious counsellors cooperate with creative young people.

Synergistic efforts of counsellors are of paramount importance for them and for the entire system of career development in Qatar; therefore the forum has become an absolute factor in building relationships, enhancing career guidance, and upgrading and driving the career guidance practices towards sustainable development of human capital in Qatar, Al Mansoori added.

He stressed the importance of the pivotal role played by partners of career guidance in preparing future leaders and developing national cadres through various education phases and after education that primarily require support for career counsellors as practitioners of guidance and career development to undertake the major responsibility vested in them. He pointed to the size of multiple vexing challenges in today's world that face those who join the labour market or those who are mulling to change or retain their career tracks.

Al Mansoori indicated that these challenges are rapidly accelerating in their nature due to the enormous evolution in technology, as well as modern industrial and service sectors, calling for joint endeavours to find solutions that go beyond the formalities to real and practical responses to the challenges of this action, emphasizing that career counsellors are the first defence line for sons and all people in the face of the waves of anxiety, confusion, and uncertainty of choice, as well as being the pillar of Qatar's national vision and its pillars related to developing human capabilities and energies.

He outlined that education is a core pillar in the process of Qatari-US relations, pointing out that such events that focus on academic guidance and counselling to select the correct venue for study will generate benefits for the future of counsellors and students in Qatar and the US, as well as build bridges among them and take advantage of the existing cooperation, noting the benefits of study in the United States of America, adding that there are nearly 10,000 Qatari students who study in the US universities.

He heaped praise on the efforts of all concerned entities for their unwavering commitment and unyielding efforts to provide the best programs and educational opportunities for students in the State of Qatar and the US as well.

In remarks to journalists, the Ambassador of the United States to the State of Qatar, HE Timmy Davis, stressed the importance of such collaborations to the bilateral relation of Qatar and the US saying that he is proud to underscore that the relationship with Qatar is stronger than ever thanks to the shared values, interests, and goals.

“Education is a key component of this relationship, and I want to acknowledge everyone here today for your steadfast commitment to enhancing educational programs and opportunities for students in both Qatar and the United States,” Davis said.

Director of the Educational Guidance Department at the MoEHE, Maryam Al Emadi, stressed the importance of such collaborations to the bilateral relationship between Qatar and the US.

"Today, I'm proud to say that our relationship is stronger than ever thanks to our shared values, interests, and goals. Education is a key component of this relationship, and I want to acknowledge everyone here today for your steadfast commitment to enhancing educational programs and opportunities for students in both Qatar and the United States," she said.

Al Emadi told Qatar News Agency (QNA) that MoEHE is extremely interested in the topic of academic and career guidance and from this point, it is necessary for students of the ninth grade to be present and prepare them for the paths they will choose prior to entering secondary schools as well as prepare and assist them in selecting the paths that best suit them.

She underscored the critical role played by those career counsellors in schools, describing them as fundamental supporters of students to further complete their careers by selecting the professions that best suit them in accordance with the labour market requirements in the future, in order for them to be fully informed and well-versed in the vital paths and the universities they choose where desired professions are available.

All secondary schools in Qatar have academic counsellors and they are constantly trained in all aspects since they are the fundamental supporters of students in guiding them towards the professions required by the state, as over 90 percent of them are Qataris, Al Emadi revealed.

Head of Professional Programs and Services at QCDC Saad Abdullah Al Kharji stated the Career Counselors Hub 2023 is a platform for career counsellors in Qatar to share expertise and discuss challenges in the area of counselling and career guidance, pointing out that shifts in labour market, along with the global posture in this regard have generated a plethora of challenges facing students to take their future decisions with respect to their professions in studies and works.

Through enabling the career counsellors to lay out the correct counselling and optimal career guidance, students will find solutions to opt for a suitable field in the future, he underscored.

Commenting on the most prominent challenges facing career counsellors, Al Kharji said such challenges are related to garnering information from reliable sources and places, stressing that career counsellors should have the essential educational and scientific tools to optimally direct students and discuss with them the challenges and lay out the solutions accordingly.

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