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Qatar tribune

Qatar University (QU) has shown unwavering solidarity with the people of Palestine in a powerful display of support for Gaza. The QU Student Representative Board (QUSRB) and the Ealia Club, a dedicated Palestinian cause organisation, joined forces to organise a remarkable solidarity event, on Thursday. Qatar Charity representatives were also present to gather donations for the people of Gaza.

Vice President for Student Affairs Dr Eiman Mustafawi, said, “Today, at Qatar University, we stand together to vehemently denounce the brutal crimes and tragedies inflicted upon our Palestinian brothers.”

She went on to commend the students for their commitment to defending the homeland’s causes, emphasizing their right to express opinions and support important issues through peaceful gatherings and charitable initiatives. She particularly lauded their collaboration with Qatar Charity to raise funds for Gaza.

—Khalid Tawalbeh page 12

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