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Qatar tribune
QNADohaThe function of a dress is not limited to protection from heat and cold, but goes well beyond, and some clothes remain symbolic and refuse to disappear. Every piece of clothing carries the scent of the earth and the warmth of the social environment, and each stitch tells of the skill of the craftsman and the development of his craft through times and ages.The ‘Bisht’ comes on top of these clothes, which gathers attention, and is worn by Qatari and Gulf men during religious ceremonies and on national and official occasions.Salma Al-Nuaimi, a researcher in heritage, said in a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA) that the Qatari clothing industry is deeply rooted in history, and the Qatari Bisht is characterised by its softness.She added: “As for the Bisht in Qatar, it was woven from a soft pile, where the women spun woolen threads very thinly and then woven, and the decorative ribbon on both sides of the chest and neck from the back is set.”Al-Nuaimi pointed out that the fabrics were previously woven by hand, so they are not wide and do not exceed 110 centimeters in width. So, the Bisht is made of two pieces, an upper piece and a lower piece.Among those who preserved the tradition of Bisht sewing in the traditional way inherited from father to grandfather is Musa Issa Albuhaleqa shop for Bisht in Souq Waqif.Ahmed Musa Albuhaleqa, one of the most famous Bisht makers in Qatar, said in a statement to QNA that the Bisht is the symbol of attendance at weddings and occasions, as the sons follow their fathers in this deed.He pointed out that the majority of young people when they come to the shop to buy the Bisht seek advice in choosing the most appropriate one for the occasion they intend to attend, such as marriage or travel.He stated that some people still have suspicions about the colours as they vary according to different members of the society: the father in his son’s wedding ceremony tries to have the colour of his Bisht similar to his son, as well as for the father of the bride, he is keen on a certain colour.Youssef Musa Albuhaleqa told QNA that the Bisht, throughout the ages, is the dress of the Arabs and it used to distinguish the Arab person.In addition, both Youssef and Ahmed Musa Albuhaleqa revealed that the Bisht is the pride of Qatari and Gulf dress, so tourists, both Arabs and foreigners, are keen to buy it as a souvenir of his visit to the country, and that some acquire it in order to present it as a gift.They explained that the Bisht needs special attention in order to preserve it, especially as it is expensive and is kept for a long period of time, even 30 years and more.
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