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Tribune News Network
OOREDOO brought smiles and happiness to children at Hamad Hospital on Monday, as a group of volunteers from the company visited the patients and distributed gifts.
The visit is part of a series of activities planned for the Holy Month of Ramadan to perform random acts of kindness supported by Ooredoo to hospitals, homes for the elderly and children's centres.
During the visit, Ooredoo volunteers distributed gifts and thanked doctors and staff in the children's ward for their hard work.
Fatima Sultan al Kuwari, Director Community and Public Relations, Ooredoo, said:"This year's campaign #CloserConnection is not just about connecting with your loved ones, but those in need. Seeing the smiles on the children's faces today, thanks to our volunteers, was a gift, and I thank the hard work of all the staff at Hamad Hospital for their dedication in helping these children."
Dr Mohamed al Janahi, Chairman, Pediatrics Department, Hamad General Hospital, expressed appreciation to Ooredoo for the #CloserConnection initiative describing it as 'a generous act of kindness', which is in line with the spirit of Ramadan."We thank Ooredoo for bringing this campaign to our department. The joy our young patients felt during this visit has truly gladdened their hearts and I believe it will have a lasting effect and play a part in their healing process," said Dr Janahi.
During the holy month, Ooredoo's volunteers will participate in various events and locations around the country with surprises and entertainment for all. Customers can follow Ooredoo's Ramadan campaign via Ooredoo's Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page and the hashtag #CloserConnection.
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