Tribune News NetworkDohaAl Ghanim Bus Station will be permanently closed on June 15, 2022, state-owned public transport company Mowasalat (Karwa) has said."We are enhancing our bus network for you and will soon start using our brand-new bus stations," Mowasalat said in a tweet on Monday."Old routes will be phased out and new routes will be introduced in the coming weeks, starting on 29th May 2022." Mowasalat called on commuters to plan their journeys ahead with the route planner and maps section in the Karwa Bus App."Please include the Metro in your journey planning. For the use of the Metro, kindly purchase the respective Metro ticket," it added.Several bus depots are being developed across Qatar as part of the country's Public Bus Infrastructure Programme.
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Al Ghanim Bus Station to be closed permanently: Mowasalat
May 23, 2022