NEW YORK: Qatar has underlined that the issue of reforming the Security Council is an important challenge and a strategic goal for the international group as it is firmly linked to one of the main pillars of the United Nations, which is maintaining international peace and security. It noted that the Security Council is the main body of the United Nations concerned with ensuring international peace and security, based on its mandate according to the Charter.

This came in Qatar's statement made by Sharifa Yousef Al Nesf, First Secretary at the Permanent Mission of Qatar to the United Nations, before the UN General Assembly plenary meeting on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Security Council (Item 121), at the UN headquarters in New York.

Al Nesf stated that reforming the Security Council has become an urgent necessity, especially in light of the conflicts and worsening humanitarian crises in the world, most notably the catastrophic humanitarian crisis and the dangerous escalation in Gaza Strip, and the war crimes and crimes against humanity that the Israeli occupation has continued to commit against the brotherly Palestinian people, which alerts dire consequences on the security and stability of the region, as well as the international peace and security, in light of the silence of the international community and the failure of the Security Council to carry out its responsibilities to stop the killing and destruction.

A Security Council with greater representation, efficiency and transparency would enhance the legitimacy of its decisions and accelerate their implementation, in addition to enhancing multilateralism and contributing to efforts aimed at achieving a more effective and transparent global governance system, Al Nesf added.

She explained that the success of the reform process through intergovernmental negotiations requires adherence to the terms of reference that established it, especially the interconnection between the five elements of the reform process in accordance with General Assembly Resolution No. 557/62, and taking into account the principle of equality between all countries in the decision-making process in the Council.

Al Nesf indicated that Qatar participates in good faith and effectively in leading initiatives and supporting regional and international efforts that advance the comprehensive reform process of the Security Council, through the process of intergovernmental negotiation; noting that it is proud of its participation with Poland in facilitating the intergovernmental negotiations on the Security Council reform during the 75th session, and with Denmark during the 76th session of the General Assembly.

Qatar reiterates that any reform of the Council should go hand in hand with introducing reforms to its working and decision-making mechanisms within it. Qatar also emphasizes the importance ofthe General Assembly on matters concerned with the maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with Article 11 of the Charter, including submitting recommendations to the Security Council, given that the complementary relationship between the Security Council and the General Assembly is vital to create the required balance in the work of the United Nations, Al Nesf said.

She underlined that the issue of 'Veto' is pivotal in the Council reform process, noting that experience has confirmed that restricting it or refraining from using it in cases of serious crimes such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, or ethnic cleansing, helps prevent the occurrence of these crimes.

Al Nesf reminded of the goal of the Security Council reform process, which is to achieve the purposes of the United Nations Charter; noting that violating the Charter and international law weakens the role of the United Nations, undermines the credibility of its agencies, and affects international efforts aimed at strengthening mechanisms for maintaining international peace and security.

Threatening the sovereignty of states and brandishing the use of force and serious international crimes represent a challenge to the Council mandate and the role of the entire international community, and constitute a flagrant violation of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the decisions of the General Assembly and the Council, she added.

The First Secretary of Qatar's Permanent Mission to the United Nations Sharifa Yousef Al Nesf said that Qatar welcomes the progress achieved in the intergovernmental negotiations process, and calls for accelerating it and building on the elements of convergence. It also welcomes in this regard the revised elements paper on convergences and differences, which includes practical and constructive proposals that could advance and accelerate the process of intergovernmental negotiations to reform the Council.

She affirmed that Qatar will continue its active participation in the intergovernmental negotiations to reform the Council in order to reach a Security Council characterized by effectiveness, credibility and diversity by representing all regions and blocs of the world fairly and equitably, including the Arab region; pointing out that it is important to reach a Council that is subject to accountability and transparency, and can take timely decisions to maintain international peace and security.