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H.E. Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Minister of Labour, participated today in Geneva in the closing session of the 110th International Labour Conference (ILC), in the presence of heads of delegations, ministers of Labour and representatives of workers and employers in member states of the International Labour Organization.
The Ministry of Labour participated in ILC with a high-level delegation, as part of its efforts to communicate with international organizations, discuss the latest developments in the labour sector globally, and open up prospects for serious dialogue with various labour parties in various countries across the Globe to benefit from the experiences among the member states of the organization.
The conference discussed the report of the economies of the least developed countries and the Ukrainian crisis, the reports of the Committee of Legal Experts on ILO conventions and recommendations, and the plenary sessions of the conference discussed issues of decent work, social and solidarity economy, as well as the strategic goal of employment as part of the follow-up mechanism to the ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization
The 110th session of the International Labour Conference for the year 2022 acquired a special attention, especially in light of the successive global crises, which rendered rippling negative impacts on the world of labour.
Nearly 5,000 delegates from 187 member states participated in the conference's work, representing the three working parties: governments, employers, and workers.
The conference discussed the report of the economies of the least developed countries and the Ukrainian crisis, the reports of the Committee of Legal Experts on ILO conventions and recommendations, and the plenary sessions of the conference discussed issues of decent work, social and solidarity economy, and the strategic goal of employment as part of the follow-up mechanism to the ILO declaration on social justice for a fair globalization .
H.E Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al-Marri, Minister of Labour and Vice-President of the 110th International Labour Conference, underlined that the outputs of the International Labour Conference, especially those that will address the challenges facing the international community in the labour world, are massively momentous during the current stage, noting that focusing on the least developed countries and the most vulnerable to setbacks than the rest of the member states will enhance the positive results of implementing those outputs and recommendations.
His Excellency made it clear during his speech at the closing session of the conference that choosing the topic of the report for this year was good, as it emphasized the need to support the structural transformation in these countries in accordance with Doha Programme of Action for LDCs (2022-2031) explaining that the Director General's report provided an opportunity for delegations participating in the current session to discuss the ways to promote decent work and meet the future challenges of the labour world.
His Excellency the Minister of Labour noted that the State of Qatar will host the 5TH United Nations Conference of the Least Developed Countries during the month of March 2023, which reflects the belief of the State of Qatar in the importance of strengthening international solidarity in order to bring about change that puts these countries on the desired track towards sustainable and comprehensive development.
His Excellency welcomed the issuance of the decision approving the amendments to the Maritime Labour Agreement of 2006, which were approved by the ILO’s Special Tripartite Committee in the fourth session of the conference, noting that the amendments were approved most of them based on lessons and experiences gleaned from the Covid-19 pandemic period and its negative effects on work in the maritime sector and the conditions of work in the maritime sector especially those that have stricken the seafarers' livelihood and work, and in particular regulations for food, medical care on board, health and safety measures, and accident prevention.
His Excellency the Minister applauded the decision to include safe and healthy working conditions within the framework of the ILO's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, by rectifying the second paragraph of the Declaration. Such step is of critical importance to occupational health and safety, stressing that during the Covid 1 pandemic, multiple effects emanated and impacted labour world, which necessitated finding means to enhance the impact of the basic principles of ILO and the Decent Work Programme.
He explained that the decision according to which two agreements were added to the basic international Labour conventions, namely Convention No. 155 of 1981 on occupational safety and health, and C187 - Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 2006 (No. 187).
He pointed out that the adoption of a decision to include safe working conditions calls for amending the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights to include the phrase a safe and healthy work environment, and the subsequent amendments to the The Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization.
His Excellency noted the results of the first discussion aimed at adopting a recommendation on good apprenticeships to face challenges and respond to rapid developments in labour world and crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic, which leads to skills mismatch, noting that it requires workers to acquire new skills or develop their competencies in a way continuously improving productivity and employability and responding to current and future labour market needs.
His Excellency the Minister welcomed the conclusions emanating from the discussion on decent work clause and the social and solidarity economy, especially the guiding principles it included aimed at enhancing opportunities and addressing challenges from a human-centered future of work.
He explained that the State of Qatar welcomes the discussion on the strategic goal of employment as part of the follow-up to the ILO declaration on social justice for a fair globalization, expressing support for the organization's activities and programs in achieving these goals, in light of the remarkable success achieved by the organization's technical cooperation program with the State of Qatar, which is considered a pioneering model that can be imitated by the rest of the countries in the region.
 Al-Marri expressed his pleasure to participate in the 110th session of the International Labour Conference as Vice-President of the Group of Governments, and extended thanks to the President of the Conference, Vice-Presidents, Heads of Delegations, and speakers for governments, employers and workers for their positive participation and constructive spirit during the conference, which once again proved the importance of social dialogue and cooperation between the parties to production, in shaping the future of work, in accordance with the established objectives and principles of the International Labour Organization.
His Excellency indicated that the delegations discussed the report of the Director-General of the Organization, which draws the world's attention to the tragic conditions of workers in the occupied Arab territories and reveals the aggravation of their conditions after COVID-19 pandemic and the exacerbation of violations of basic labour rights in the occupied territories, especially the increase in unemployment rates and child labour, explaining that poor levels of decent work are a result of The continuation of the occupation and the expansion of settlement activity, requires continuing pressure on the Occupation to fulfill its obligations in accordance with international humanitarian law.
His Excellency stressed the confidence that the outcomes of the conference will contribute to promoting decent work and achieving sustainable development goals, stressing the commitment to support multilateral international cooperation to achieve these goals and to continue joint efforts to build a better future for work.
At the conclusion of his speech, His Excellency extended his thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Guy Ryder  ILO Director General for his wise leadership of the organization over ten years in which the organization realized many reforms and important achievements, pointing out that the common principles of the organization have been consolidated, especially the importance of social dialogue and tripartite cooperation to achieve social justice, shedding light on the leadership role of ILO, during the Covid-19 crisis, through a rapid and effective response, in order to provide the required support to member states to confront this crisis.
His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al-Marri, Minister of Labour and Vice-President of the International Labour Conference, chaired the meetings of three sessions, the fourth, seventh and tenth of the work of the conference, whose agenda included the submission and approval of the report of the Financial Committee, and the discussion of the reports of the Director General and the Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The seventh session also discussed a myriad of major decisions regarding the financial report and audited consolidated financial statements for the year 2021, and a decision regarding the schedule of contributions to the budget for the year 2023, and another on the establishment of the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization, as well as a decision regarding the appointment to the ILO Staff Pension Committee “Council of the International Labour Organization” (United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board)
The International Labour Conference, during the tenth plenary session, chaired by His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Samikh Al Marri, Minister of Labour, adopted a historic decision on the inclusion of a safe and healthy work environment within the framework of the International Labour Organization on fundamental principles and rights at work.
The decision that the State of Qatar propelled to adopt, while chairing the conference session, is one of the most important outcomes of the conference, and represents as historic event in the ILO’s path.
The International Labour Conference, aka “International Labour Parliament”, is held in Geneva annually to set the general policies of the International Labour Organization, including conventions and recommendations.
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