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DOHA: Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs He Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al Thani received a phone call from Secretary of State of the United States of America Antony Blinken, on Monday.

The call dealt with discussing the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, especially the progress of implementing and extending the humanitarian pause agreement, in addition to facilitating the entry of humanitarian aid into the Strip.

During the call, the prime minister stressed the necessity of continuing efforts to stop the war in Gaza, stressing that the only guarantee for achieving sustainable peace in the Middle East region is reaching a just and comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue in accordance with the Arab Initiative and the two-state solution, which guarantees the establishment of an independent, viable State of Palestine on the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital where the Palestinian people enjoy their inalienable rights.

For his part, the US Secretary of State expressed his country's thanks to Qatar for its efforts in mediation between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which resulted in an agreement to extend the humanitarian pause in Gaza.

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