New Delhi
The JD-U's Sharad Yadav faction on Thursday said it was sure of getting the party's"Arrow"symbol from the Election Commission, which is hearing a dispute between the faction and the one led by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar.
"We are sure the EC will allot us the Arrow symbol because we have the majority with us as per the party's constitution. Nitish Kumar can't override the National Council, which is the supreme decision making body of the party and whose majority is with us,"Janata Dal-United (JD-U) General Secretary Arun Kumar Shrivastav said here.
The Commission had held a hearing in the case on Tuesday where senior lawyer Kapil Sibal argued on behalf of the Sharad Yadav faction while senior advocate Gopal Singh represented the Nitish Kumar faction.
According to Shrivastav, Sibal tried to impress upon the EC that the party's National Council was the supreme body and not the party's legislative body (MLAs, MLCs and MPs) and that the majority in the National Council was with Sharad Yadav. He also dismissed claims by the rival faction that the Sharad faction wanted the symbol frozen.