Tribune News Network
The Royal Grammar School Guildford (RGS) in Qatar recently held their International Day event to coincide with the United Nations Day. The school observed the day for its pupils to gain an understanding of the many different countries that make up the world. It was also an opportunity for the pupils to learn about, and appreciate the cultures of families who make up the multi-cultural environment of RGS.
The day started with the pupils, staff and parents arriving in the school in their national costumes. A colourful assembly, led by two Key Stage 2 pupils, included performances from children in Early Years and Year 5 and 6. The Year 1 pupils shared what they enjoy doing whenever they visit their home countries and the Year 2 pupils read poems they had written in their English lessons.
In the week prior to International Day, RGS pupils spent time learning about the countries where their peers and teachers come from, as well as the county that their teacher had chosen for them to represent. On International Day, they had the opportunity to explore even more countries as they visited destinations such as Japan, Australia, India and Mexico and collected passport stamps on their RGS passports.
One of the highlights of International Day was the lunch organised by volunteer parents who provided food from different countries for the pupils and decorated tables with flags, maps, signs and souvenirs from their chosen country.