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Tribune News Network

DOHA: The Ministry of Commerce and Industry organised a ceremony to recognise companies that have supported the Qatari Products 2023 campaign, along with companies participating in the '1000 Opportunities' platform. The event took place at the Ministry's headquarters in Lusail.

The ceremony underscores the Ministry's commitment to bolstering the private sector and encouraging its active involvement in advancing the State's efforts to support and promote Qatari products. This initiative also aims to enhance the productivity of national industries across various fields.

During his speech at this event, Saleh bin Majed Al-Khulaifi, Assistant Undersecretary for Industrial Affairs and Business Development at the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, emphasised that the campaign to support the Qatari product, recently launched in cooperation with the largest retail outlets in the country, reflects the Ministry’s belief in the pivotal role of the Qatari product in achieving self-sufficiency in Qatar. This, in turn, enhances the ability of the national economy to face various regional and global challenges that could impact local markets.

He added that the Ministry is currently developing action plans to explore ways of expanding support for the national product across various sectors. He noted that the priority given to Qatari products in pharmaceutical factories has been increased from the current 10 percentto 30 percent.

Regarding the '1000 Opportunities' initiative launched by the Ministry in 2022, he stated that contracts worth more than QR1.7 bnhad been signed until last November through cooperation with eight international companies.

Al-Khulaifi added that work is underway within the platform to cooperate with new companies to enhance the success of this initiative and support the private sector.

During the event, several companies supporting the Qatari product campaign, and companies contributing within the 1000 Opportunities platform, were honoured.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry recently launched a campaign to support the Qatari product, under the slogan 'Together to Support National Products'.Many large retail outlets across the country participate in this initiative by displaying Qatari products and showcasing aligned posters and banners in the sections that contain these products. Various local delivery service companies contribute to this effort by dedicating a distinct category within their applications to introduce customers to Qatari products.

The '1000 Opportunities' platform serves as an important tool enabling local investors to explore the key investment opportunities and projects presented by leading companies across diverse economic sectors in the country.

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