
The Centre for Endowment Studies of the General Directorate of Endowments in the Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs (Awqaf) is set to convene a symposium to mark the publishing of the second issue of the international scientific journal ‘Al-Waqf’ via the directorate’s YouTube live streaming channel.

The symposium comes as part of the series of scientific symposia organised by the General Directorate of Endowments in the quest to boost the synergistic intellectual and academic efforts of researchers and those interested in endowment issues and Islamic economy, especially after the profound positive interaction the journal has received from public readers in the Arab and Islamic world.

During the symposium to be moderated by Majd Makki, lecturer Dr Mohamed El Sherif will discuss the endowment growth indicators, along with their notion, dimensions and measurements, while Dr Ibrahim Hassan Jamal will discuss the endowment via the decentralised applications.

Director of General Department of Endowments and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Dr Sheikh Khalid bin Mohammed bin Ghanem Al Thani said, through these symposia, the department intends to maximise the benefits of research and studies disseminated through rich discussions, adding that the second edition of the journal offers a scientific material for those specialised in economy with respect to inflation and its impacts, as administrators will find a proposal to upgrade and market endowment mechanisms.

The symposium will feature a discussion on studying a modern style of endowment and its methods, chiefly endowment via the decentralised applications and how to build them correctly through relevant applications, as well as predicting the ensuing consequences, he said, adding that the symposium will shed the light on the endowment growth indicators.

The General Directorate of Endowments plans to continue a series of scientific symposia to cover all research and studies published in the second issue of the journal, as it currently prepares to hold a symposium on activating the role of weather endowment and endowment bonds in the city of Mosul on January 1, 2024.