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Manateq, which is working to diversify Qatar’s economy by providing premium infrastructure within strategic economic zones, has launched new plot leases in its Birkat Al Awamer Logistics Park, designed for investors.
The 9.4 million sqm park – one of five logistics projects being developed by  Manateq – is designed to appeal to companies wanting to build their own facilities through providing them comprehensive solutions that will allow them to build warehouses or workshops, commercial showrooms, offices, and staff accommodation all in one piece of land. The plots sizes will vary from 800 sqm up to more than 20,000 sqm to respond to the diversified requirements of the intended projects.
Leases are available at QAR20 per sqm per year with investors being incentivised by a two-year, rent free grace period and flexible construction procedures.
“Investors in Birkat Al Awamer will benefit from proximity to vital logistics gateways such as Hamad Port,” explained Fahad Rashid Al Kaabi, CEO, Manateq. “This is a highly strategic location with convenient connection to Al Majed Road which provides easy access to Hamad Port facilitating speedy logistics delivery.”
Birkat Al Awamer is seen as having strong appeal to various logistics sectors including but not limited to the construction sector, food sector, aluminium, stone and steel workshops and multi-purpose storage operators.
Potential investors are required to provide valid commercial registration and a business plan as part of their application submission which can be processed via the Manateq website www.manateq.qa.
“We have designed an easy application procedure to ensure swift approvals decision-making,” explained Al Kaabi. “Once applications are received with the required documentation, Manateq Investment Committee will assess them and respond on approvals or otherwise in a timely manner.” 
Manateq has also signed last year a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with QIB to 
facilitate financing for its logistics parks investors. Under the agreement, investors in Manateq’s four logistics parks – Jery Al Samur, Birkat Al Awamer, Al Wakra and Aba Saleel - can raise 60% of their project financing against land and personal guarantees from QIB.
The finance partnership demonstrates Manateq’s ongoing client support approach which earlier this year also saw the company offering investors in its all logistics parks and industrial zones a nine months’ rent exemption to help them better navigate business difficulties experienced during the COVID 19 pandemic.

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