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Qatar will continue to provide support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), to enable it to carry out its mandate, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs HE Sultan bin Saad Al Muraikhi has said.
Muraikhi said Qatar has been and remains at the forefront of the countries that support UNRWA as it has provided more than $100 million through the Qatar Fund For Development since 2015.
Muraikhi made the remarks while representing Qatar at a video conference on Tuesday.
He said the aid granted by Qatar to UNRWA in 2020 announced in 2019 amounts to a total of $11.2 million, according to the agreement signed in December 2019 on the sidelines of the Doha Forum between Qatar and UNRWA, along with $1.5 million provided by the Education Above All foundation in Qatar to support of the Palestinian government, represented by the Ministry of Education, to ensure the right to education for Palestinian children.
Muraikhi stressed that Qatar will remain at the forefront of effective countries in enhancing UNRWA’s capacity to continue to carry out its mandate and to carry out its activities effectively in line with its principles and firm commitment to support the Palestinian people.
He said that the State of Qatar is today the first in the Arab world to provide support to UNRWA’s core resources for the period 2019-2020.
The minister said the conference was taking place in the light of the growing financial crisis faced by the UNRWA and the additional burden caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
He reiterated Qatar’s support to the efforts of the new UNRWA Commissioner-General and thanked UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for his efforts to mobilise support for the agency.
Muriakh also thanked Jordan and Sweden for organising the conference. (QNA)
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