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Ailyn Agonia
Improving bilateral relations between Indonesia and Qatar in all aspects, particularly economic diplomacy, will be at the forefront of the Embassy of Indonesia in Qatar, said Ambassador HE Ridwan Hassan.
In an interview with Qatar Tribune, Ambassador Hassan, who took charge as Indonesian Ambassador to Qatar in November 2020, said he has his eyes set on delivering all resources to ensure the growth of trade and investment between Qatar and Indonesia in the coming years.
According to the envoy, Qatar and Indonesia currently enjoy cordial bilateral relations that have strengthened and developed over time in all fields for the benefit of the two countries and their people.
He sees “rooms for improvement”, especially in the field of economy.
“I am pleased to note that the total bilateral trade of the two countries has shown its increasing trend between 2015 and 2019 with 11.53 percent increase rate annually. It is quite an encouraging number, but I am convinced that our trade volume can be increased, and also investment for the countries’ mutual benefit, as well as economic relations in general. On this regard, I would also like to invite more Qatari business people to expand their businesses to Indonesia. We welcome Qatar investments, particularly in energy, infrastructure and other mutually beneficial sectors,” the envoy said.
Similarly, he also mentioned Indonesia’s refocused diplomatic priorities in view of the global health crisis as a priority of the embassy under his leadership.
Indonesia’s top three foreign policies, announced through the Annual Press Statement of Indonesia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs delivered virtually on January 6, included Indonesia’s commitment to contributing to world peace and stability.
The envoy pointed out that Indonesia, alongside Qatar, Norway, Germany and Uzbekistan, will continue support for the success of Afghanistan peace negotiations.
On new areas of collaboration Indonesia is keen to explore with Qatar, Ambassador Hassan highlighted that the reopening of neighbour’s borders and airspace to Qatar will surely stimulate economic growth for Qatar and the region.
He noted it as a very good and timely development for Indonesia to explore more cooperation and relations with Qatar, especially in trade and investment.
He added, “Regarding the areas of cooperation, Indonesia will focus on cooperation with Qatar on halal industries and tourism infrastructure. It is also my priority during my term here to give more attention to education and tourism sector. I believe that the increasing contact between our people, either through education or tourism, would provide more mutual basic understanding for the two countries.”
Ambassador Hassan said Indonesia is focusing on exporting more products to Qatar, such as agriculture, paper and stationery, garments, automotive spare parts, tyre, car battery, among others.
In addition to other the existing business entities in Qatar, there are at least four Indonesia mini-markets in Qatar providing Indonesian products mainly foods and beverage.
The envoy said they also need to ensure that other items such as marine and pharmaceutical products enter the Qatar market as the country is expected to enhance its position as a trade hub when the blockade is fully lifted.
As of October 2020, there were about 16,690 Indonesian nationals living and working in Qatar in various fields, including in oil and gas related industries, hospitality, health care, construction and religious sector.
The envoy said, “Apart from political and economic aspect, our government will also continue to improve people-to-people contact among Indonesians, Qataris and other foreign nationals in Qatar. The appointment of Indonesia as a Country Partner for the 2023 Qatar-Indonesia Year of Culture is highly appreciated and will provide more rooms to strengthen the cultural relations between the two countries.”
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